Sunday, July 6, 2008

im a blogger!

hello! welcome! salutations! ummmm hi!
my (pen) name is Kathrine Black. that kinda sounds like a woman pirate who...kills...people doesn't it?
Kathrine Black
thats me
Anyway I'm Kathrine and welcome to my blog! It's dedicated to chcolate and purple (no really)
today we talk about the word...naive! Go type it on Word. Yeah go do it. Look at the "i". Isn't it cool? its like a double dotted i. you know like a double yolked egg. those are so weird. theyre like two eyes staring at you.
my favorite letter is "y"
Y oh Y are eyes not red and hair not purple
That would be so cool, if eyes were red and hair was purple. Actually, now that I think about it, that would be a little emo.
okay g-bye. Go eat some chocolate. Dont like chocolate eat...cheese! Dont like cheese, um eat a carrot! Just go eat okay? eating is cool.
bye bye :)


Mandy said...


seabiscuit4life said...

ugh. this blog is so hard to read. the colors at least.

seabiscuit4life said...

but i like it.

fairy on acid said...

So lovely!

Maybe you'd like to follow each other? :)

fairy on acid said...

So lovely!

Maybe you'd like to follow each other? :)